

Expression of apoptosis-related proteins, p53, and DNA fragmentation in sarcomas of the pulmonary artery

Manfred DahmDominique S. TewsC. James KirkpatrickPeter K. PetrowEckhard MayerAndreas GaumannAndreas GaumannMike OttoJörg Kriegsmann


Cancer ResearchMolecular cell biologyPathologymedicine.medical_specialtyOncologybusiness.industrymedicineLibrary sciencebusiness


Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Max-Planck Institute for Physiology and Clinical Re-search, Bad Nauheim, Germany.The results of this article were presented at theannual Meeting of the German Society of Pathol-ogy, May 26–29, 1999, Jena, Germany.The authors acknowledge the excellent technicalsupport of Sandra Gerecht and Antonietta Ras-tiello, the photographic support of Peter Pulkowskiand Thomas Bo¨hm, and the helpful comments andcritical reading of the manuscript by Dr. NorbertSpeich (Imogen, Bonn, Germany) and Dr. Ron Un-ger.Address for correspondence: Andreas Gaumann,M.D., Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Max-Planck Institute for Physiology and Clincial Re-search, W. G. Kerckhoff Institut, Parkstrasse 1,D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany; Fax: 49-6032-705219; Email: a.gaumann@Kerckhoff.mpg.deReceived December 15, 2000; revision receivedApril 6, 2001; accepted April 10, 2001.
