

Innovation strategies geared toward the circular economy: A case study of the organic olive-oil industry

Maria CrescimannoDemetris VrontisGiorgio SchifaniAntonino GalatiGiuseppina Migliore


Stakeholders theoryStrategy and ManagementTheory of planned behaviour010501 environmental sciencesDevelopmentBusiness modelManagement Monitoring Policy and Law01 natural sciencesPersonal attitude0502 economics and businessSettore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleEnvironmental impact assessmentDevelopment3304 EducationAdaptation (computer science)Stakeholder theoryAgri-food industryIndustrial organization0105 earth and related environmental sciencesBusiness modelRenewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentCircular economy05 social sciencesTheory of planned behaviorStrategy and Management1409 Tourism Leisure and Hospitality ManagementSustainabilitySustainabilityBusiness050203 business & managementOlive oil


Circular Economy (CE) focuses on the (re)design of processes and products aiming to minimize negative environmental impact, by reducing the use of non-renewable resources, increasing products durability, improving waste management and enhancing the market for secondary raw materials. In the management field very few contributions deal with the topic of CE as a model that firms can implement from a business model perspective. The aim of the present study is to describe, by using a case study in olive oil industry, how firms in practice adapt their business model towards CE paradigm and the influence of personal drivers and stakeholders in this adaptation. The findings reveal that circular economy is for the firm an important paradigm not only to pursue environmental sustainability but above all to pursue economic sustainability.
