

Od folkloru do e-folkloru, czyli przemodelowanie przez Internet przedmiotu współczesnych badań folklorystycznych


e-folkloristicsgrassroots convergencee-folklorevirtual communitiesvirtual language


The emergence of the Internet, a new electronic means of communication, initiated the process of a qualitative change in contemporary culture. This has led, among other things, to a necessary redefinition ofthe subject of folklore research and, consequently, to highlighting its anthropological dimension. That, in turn, requires first and foremost a change in the concept of orality which in itself may no longer be reduced to direct (oral) provision of content, as the virtual language, enriched with a Computer interface, creates new possibilities for using words, along with their combination with image and music (visual folklore). On the one hand, on the Internet we may observe new aspects of the old folklore contents, whereas, on the other hand, we notice the unique creative activities of Internet users, activities with clearly folkloric features. Thus construed, Online communication becomes an alternative to unofficial social communication, it triggers the grassroots convergence and enriches contemporary folkloric messages, creating new virtual communities (which, again, necessitates the concept of locality to be redefined). All modifications and changes caused by electronic/ media context of contemporary culture have remodelled the subject of contemporary e-folklore research, which has become an important element of the network culture itself