

SURATRAM - Intelligent Transport System for freight management in urban areas

Pierre Romet


Electric VehicleAutonomous vehicleFleet SizingOptimisation de tournéeVéhicule AutonomeDimensionnement de batterieDimensionnement de flotte[SPI.OTHER] Engineering Sciences [physics]/OtherBatteryBattery SizingVéhicule électriqueTour optimizationBatterie


The project developed in the framework of this thesis is part of a more global and ambitious research program that aims at proposing a new type of goods management system in urban centers. In order to do so, the project aims to approach the management of goods from a systemic point of view, by integrating the management into the field of Intelligent Goods Transport Systems (ITS). This systemic vision of the management of goods in urban areas requires the use of electric and autonomous vehicles to ensure the tasks of delivery and collection of goods. In addition, these vehicles will be able to use the existing public transport network of the cities to move from an urban distribution center (UDC) to the final delivery points. Finally, still concerning electric and autonomous vehicles, the systemic vision of ITS implies to integrate in the optimization process, for the delivery and collection of goods, all the intrinsic characteristics specific to the implemented technologies such as the battery electric vehicle (BEV) and the autonomous vehicles.
