

Elastic neutron scattering of dry and rehydrated trehalose coated carboxy-myoglobin

Eugenio VitranoLorenzo CordoneFabio LibrizziAlessandro Paciaroni


SpectrometerHydrogenChemistryEnthalpyAnalytical chemistryPROTEINGeneral Physics and Astronomychemistry.chemical_elementNeutron scatteringMOLECULAR-DYNAMICS SIMULATIONTrehalosechemistry.chemical_compoundROOM-TEMPERATUREAmplitudeMyoglobinWATEREXTERNAL MATRIXWave vectorPhysical and Theoretical Chemistryneutron-scattering trehalose myoglobin


We report here a comparison between the hydrogen atoms mean square displacements measured by elastic neutron scattering on trehalose coated carboxy-myoglobin, at ILL on the backscattering spectrometers IN13 and IN16. An inconsistency is observed when comparing the mean square displacements measured on the two spectrometer, on samples of identical composition, since they resulted of larger amplitude on IN13 (either in condition of drought or after overnight rehydration under 75% D2O atmosphere), notwithstanding the lower time window accessible on this instrument with respect to IN16. Such inconsistency disappears when the data obtained on this last spectrometer are analyzed in two separate ranges of the exchanged wave vector q. The analysis of the data collected on IN13 in terms of the two-well model [W. Doster, S. Cusak, W. Petry, Nature 337 (1989) 754] gives relevant information on the enthalpy and entropy values involved in the interconversion among substates in dry and rehydrated trehalose coated protein samples. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
