

Measurement and Analysis of the Raman Intensities of 12CD4

Michel LoeteBruno LavorelGuy MillotL. Touzani


NU-1High resolutionTRANSITIONS010402 general chemistry01 natural sciencesSpectral lineREGIONsymbols.namesakeNuclear magnetic resonanceMETHANEPolarizability0103 physical sciencesStimulated ramanPhysical and Theoretical ChemistrySpectroscopyLine (formation)PhysicsSPECTROSCOPY010304 chemical physicsRotational–vibrational spectroscopyAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsCD40104 chemical sciencessymbolsAtomic physicsBANDSRaman spectroscopy


0022-2852; The stimulated Raman spectrum of 12CD4 was recorded at high resolution, in the spectral range 1963 to 2260 cm(-1). Intensities of the rovibrational transitions were estimated by fitting the line profiles. The recorded elementary spectrum was 1 cm(-1) wide; all recordings were then intensity calibrated. Afterward, the relative Raman intensities were analyzed by using a polarizability model developed previously [A. Boutahar and M. Loete, Can. J. Phys. 69, 26-35 (1991); J. P. Champion, M. Loete, and G. Pierre, in ''Spectroscopy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Interstellar Molecules'' (K. Narahari Rao and A. Weber, Eds.), pp. 388-397, Academic Press, Boston. 1992]. The investigated region has five interacting bands(nu(1), nu(3), 2 nu(2), nu(2) + nu(4), and 2 nu(4)) and they were analyzed simultaneously. Experimental data enabled retrieval of six polarizability parameters. The agreement between calculated and measured intensities is within about 12%. To confirm the results, some calculations were made of other spectra, recorded using spontaneous or stimulated Raman techniques. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.
