

The Analysis of Consumer Behavior in Relationship to a Global Brand in the Lodging Industry, Across Europe and North America Abstract: The world is changing at a fast pace and more concepts related to globalization emerge. Like, for instance, global marketing which implies an increase pressure to understand consumer behavior and its underlying changes, at a much broader level. Research, nowadays, has to uncover and comprehend certain issues like how customers in some countries are the same and different in others; how they respond positively to a particular brand, but not to umbrella branding; how they perceive quality and how they spend their available resources (of time, money, effort), giving the current economic situation. As this paper covers a case study based on a multinational corporation in the lodging industry, we will further explore certain consumer behavior dimensions in relation to the perceived image and the buying pattern of the global brand examined.

Luigi DumitrescuAlin OpreanaSimona Vinerean


jel:M10jel:M19consumer behavior market segmentation primary research global brand differentiation.http://rmci.ase.ro/no12vol1s/Vol-12_No-1S_Article-48.pdf