

Local development partnership programmes in Sicily: planning cities without plans?

Filippo SchilleciFrancesco Lo Piccolo


Economic growthPlanning Local Development Partnership Programmes SicilyOrder (business)General partnershipGeography Planning and DevelopmentLocal DevelopmentBusinessPlan (drawing)Town planningEnvironmental planning


As it is generally known, the main goal of classical town planning is to carefully plan the use of the territory and its resources in order to protect them against incompatible economic activities. Historically, in Italy, as in a number of other European countries, the legal equirement that is derived from this assumption is the acknowledgement that the physical development of cities and territories falls within the main goals of the state. The clash of interests between private, state and community calls for the creation of a set of rules standardising the use of the territory by means of town-planning instruments and laws regulating private actions in the general public interest. The safeguarding of the public interest is a priority issue. In Italy, such a task has always been assigned to the municipalities, which are seen as representing and acting in the interest of the needs of local communities. In this context, the local (municipal) administration, an elective body enjoying political independence, is the main party responsible for the management and development of its own territory. In recent years, the interplay of these ideas has brought about a ‘metamorphosis’ of town planning and its instruments in Italy which has led to modifications to the instruments and procedures of planning and also structurally transformed a number of theoretical considera- tions for town planning. There has been an overflow of new types of plans and programmes. The article compares the form, procedures and content of the new local development partnership programmes with the traditional ‘piano regolatore generale’ (PRG), which is a general town-planning scheme or master plan.
