

First record of Carex vesicaria (Cyperaceae) in Sicily.

Francesco Maria RaimondoVivienne Spadaro


Sicilian vascular floraSettore BIO/02 - Botanica SistematicaNebrodi mountainhygro-hydrophilous vegetation


The first record of Carex vesicaria from Sicily is reported. This circumboreal species, so far known from the peninsular regions of Italy and from Corsica, has been found in a marshy mead- ow within the Fagus sylvatica and Acer pseudoplatanus woody belt of the Nebrodi mountains (N-E Sicily). The phytocoenosis established in this locality is characterized by C. vesicaria itself together with a few other hygrophytes such as Galium elongatum, Mentha aquatica and Juncus effusus. This plant community belongs to a context of hygro-hydrophilous vegetation where marshy features characterized by Juncus striatus and Calliergonella cuspidata alternate with the lacustrine ones characterized by Potamogeton natans, Groenlandia densa and Apium inundatum.
