

Teoría de la educación : revista interuniversitaria

María Del Mar Bernabé Villodre


educación inter-culturaleducación musicalEducaciónmúsicaEducació interculturalMúsica EnsenyamentEducation


The aim of this article is show how the methodological and structural music nature leads the pupil to understanding, to estimating the cultural reality that wraps; since music is a fruit of an exchange of theoretical-practical experiences in different zones of the world and his methodology of learning is active and participative, needing from collaboration and understanding between the interpreters. All this, it leads to considering to be music an image of the time and of the company that has produced it, and, due to it, turns into a suitable tool to be employed the interculture at the classroom. This article takes as there basses one of aims of the artistic education, to promote the expression of the cultural diversity to reinforce personal values, to show how it is possible educate interculturally by means of music, that is to say, across what has come naming «educate for the music».
