

Technologies of Re-familization

Sakari Taipale


Argumentbusiness.industryInformation and Communications TechnologyField (Bourdieu)Welfare stateContext (language use)SociologyPublic relationsbusinessEveryday lifeSocial policyDigital media


In this chapter, the notion of re-familization is introduced, to allow for a better grasp of the cohesive impact of digital technologies in the context of extended and geographically distributed families. In the field of social policy, the notion of re-familization implies a reversal of the politics of de-familization that once was the hallmark of the golden-era welfare state. The argument is made that family-initiated uses of digital media and communication technology in response to (older) family members’ daily help and care needs resonate well with the idea behind re-familization. In conclusion, the chapter presents several ways in which re-familization manifests itself in the everyday life of digital families.
