

Effect of macro and micro nutrients addition during anaerobic mono-digestion of grass silage in leach-bed reactors

Jukka RintalaAri VäisänenPrasad KaparajuPadma Shanthi Jagadabhi


Silagebiomassa0208 environmental biotechnologygrass silage02 engineering and technology010501 environmental sciencesPoaceaeravinteet01 natural sciencesmetaaniMethanechemistry.chemical_compoundAdsorptionBioreactorsAnaerobic digestionEnvironmental Chemistrybiomassa (teollisuus)LeachateAnaerobiosisanaerobiset menetelmätWaste Management and Disposalta215ta2180105 earth and related environmental sciencesWater Science and TechnologySilagebiokaasumethaneChemical oxygen demandGeneral MedicineNutrientsleach bed reactor020801 environmental engineeringBioavailabilitysäilörehuAnaerobic digestionmicro nutrientsAgronomychemistryEnvironmental chemistryAnaerobic exercise


The effect of macro- (NH4Cl) (set I) and micro-nutrients (Fe, Ni, Co and Mo) (set II) addition on chemical oxygen demand (COD) solubilisation during anaerobic mono-digestion of grass silage was investigated in two sets of leach bed reactor experiments at 35°C. Results showed that addition of NH4Cl and micro-nutrients improved COD solubilisation by 18% (0.56 g SCOD g−1 volatile solids) and 7% (0.45 g SCOD g−1 VS), respectively than control. About 20–50% of the added micro-nutrients were bioavailable in the produced leachates, while the rest (50–80%) were adsorbed onto the grass silage. Results of biological methane potential assays showed that, specific methane yields of grass silage were improved by 17% (0.36 ± 0.02 m3 CH4 kg−1 VSadded) when NH4Cl was supplemented while Fe, Ni, Co and Mo addition improved methane yields by 15% (0.33 ± 0.005 m3 CH4 kg−1 VSadded) when compared to control. peerReviewed
