

Live-roleplay as a tool – using real world operation cultures as tools for learning

Merja MeriläinenMaarika Piispanen




Anyone, who has ever been at school, has some kind of an idea how does a good learning environment look like. It is an everyday environment for those who attend to school themselves, or it comes close through their children. For some, it is just a distant memory. In any case, most people have an opinion about it. Imagine: straight lines of desks, people sitting alone in a row, daily program split into four to five different lessons, etc. When we think of today´s students - as Tapscott (2009) highlights – they are more open, more active, more broad-minded and less prejudiced than early generations – nonetheless our schools still look similar to those hundred years ago. This article examines pedagogical changes in different learning contexts and aims to create a theoretical background for educators designing learning based on a learning theory in terms of Contextual pedagogical approach towards learning. The 21st Century Civil Skills Pedagogical Content Knowledge -framework, introduced in this article, will help teachers to create learning environments where 21st century civil skills will meet the modern pedagogy and core curriculum standards. With the help of the framework, together with the model of Contextual pedagogical approach towards learning, one is able to build a strong pedagogical foundation to create transformational 21st century learning environments. peerReviewed
