

Per una laurea di formazione consapevole: l'insegnamento del latino tra problemi di traduzione e multidisciplinarità.

Rosanna Marino


lessico giuridicosemantica del testoPermanenza del classicosatiraSettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina


In the Fauer report to Unesco (1972) and in the Delors one (1966) they underline the importance assumed, in a democratic society, by education, culture and, in particular, by the role of teachers as promoters of the change, comprehension and mutual tolerance, in a humanistic social frame of holistic development of tomorrow's citizens. In the instability of our society which seems lacking in educational potentiality, it is therefore necessary to provide the young with the sense of classical presence and the instruments to renew the teaching of classical languages through solid competence on translation and semantic analysis of the lexicon borrowed by scientific and, particularly, juridical knowledge. (Hor. Serm.2,1).
