

Essais sur la qualité de l'éducation et la croissance économique

Nadir Altinok


Education QualityHuman CapitalCroissance économiqueEconomic GrowthQualité de l'éducationEconomie de l'éducation[ SHS.ECO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economies and financesEconomics of EducationDevelopment[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceDéveloppement


This essay has for main goal to contribute in the domains of economics of education as well as the macroeconomics' explanation of the growth process. The thesis is structured in two segments whose include both three chapters. The first part is based on macro-economic side, while the second tends to specify certain visions responds to a micro-economic nature as to supplement interrogations resulting from the global solution of the quality of education.The first part consists in dealing about the methodology in the construction of alternate indicators concerning the quality and the inequality in distribution for human capital. The indicators on the quality of the human capital are set up on international measurements dedicated to the pupils' assessments. From these data bases, we carry out an estimate of their impact on the economic growth. We base our analysis on the theoretical approach of Nelson and Phelps, in whom efficiency coming from stock of education stimulates the economic growth. After this stage, a research in the factors explaining the quality of the education systems is undertaken. Using a macro-economic approach, two indicators describing performance of the education systems are used: the first relates to our indicators built in chapter 1, while the alternate indicator is the participation rate in secondary level.The second part is devoted to the micro-economic analysis in the determinants of the performance of the education systems. Initially, a micro econometric study centered on the school inequalities at the primary school for 21 European countries affords to what extend can be generate the specificity which constraint the analyze for obtaining a homogeneous level of quality and thus a global measurement of educational quality. In addition, by using an original methodology, we revisit the effect of the class size at secondary level for 35 countries; this up to show a variable of the local context in the production of school can influence education quality. Nevertheless, there is room for some countries for driving a reduction in class size. This appears as an appropriate issue for educational policy improvement, as the Bolivian case. While improving the quality of education systems does not find an unique track for all countries, we show that it is possible to make recommendations of targeted educational policy for each of the countries analyzed, this while sustaining the vision's overall economic production of educational services which was our entry point.
