

Reproducibility of irritant patch test reactions to sodium lauryl sulfate in a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized study using clinical scoring. Results from a study group of the German Contact Dermatitis Research Group (Deutsche Kontaktallergie-Gruppe, DKG).

Detlev BeckerJochen BraschIsaak Effendy


irritancyAdultMalemedicine.medical_specialtyAdolescentSodiumchemistry.chemical_elementDermatologyPlacebomedicine.disease_causesurfactantsStatistics Nonparametriclaw.inventionSurface-Active AgentsRandomized controlled trialDouble-Blind MethodlawmedicineImmunology and AllergyHumanscontrolssodium lauryl sulfateAgedReproducibilityintegumentary systemChemistryPatch testReproducibility of ResultsSodium Dodecyl SulfateMiddle AgedPatch Testsmedicine.diseaseDermatologypatch testing techniqueSurgeryToxicityIrritantsFemaleIrritationContact dermatitispatch test


Reading of doubtful patch test reactions can be improved by comparing them to defined negative, allergic and irritant controls. For the latter, an irritant patch test is needed that gives sufficiently reproducible results. In our double-blind, placebo-controlled. randomized study, we have analysed the synchronous reproducibility of patch tests with 0%, 0.0625%, 0.125%, 0.25%, 0.5% and 1.0% sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Tests and readings were done according to ESCD guidelines. 139 patients (75 women, 64 men) 18 to 77 years old were tested. The % of positive patients as well as the % of reproducible positive reactions increased with rising concentrations of SLS to a maximum of approximately 90% and 85%, respectively with 1 % SLS. Time courses of reactions were also related to the concentration of SLS: with 1 % SLS, plateau-type time courses were most common (65%), followed by decrescendo- (23%) and crescendo-type reactions (12%). With 1% SLS, very similar mild to moderate reactions were obtained on days 2 and 3. The reaction threshold and reproducibility of tests were not related to age and sex of patients or to their own assessment of skin irritability. We conclude that 1% SLS is appropriate for an irritant patch test that gives sufficiently reproducible results.
