

Complex Authority Network Interactions in the Common Information Sharing Environment

Ilkka TikanmäkiHarri Ruoslahti


verkostotKnowledge managementHigher educationSituation awarenessbusiness.industryInformation sharingviranomaisyhteistyökansainvälinen yhteistyötietojenvaihtoComplex networktilannekuvakompleksisuusinnovaatiotoimintamulti-stakeholder collaborationTable (database)Use caseRelevance (information retrieval)Situational ethicsbusinesscomplexityinformation sharing situational picture.tiedonkulku


European authorities collaborate as a community toward a coherent approach of situational understanding and open trust base information sharing. Innovation in multi-stakeholder collaboration networks involve complex collaboration between user community members, providing cross-sector, cross-border and cross-authority interaction and information sharing for collaborative situation awareness, and cooperation to increase safety and security. This study analyses data consisting of elements of use cases, collected from EU funded innovation projects. These were placed in a table based on similarity, difference and relevance to produce a classification. The results of this study indicate that use cases and scenarios engage end-users to co-create very practical descriptions providing input communication for innovation projects; also multi-actor projects are complex networks thus, this study contributes to the network approach of innovation. The implications of this study are that reaching fas ter innovation can be facilitated by leading and organising projects well, providing appropriate feedback to ensure project plans and results stay connected with project goals, fostering project continuums, and having e.g. higher education institutions bring problems as project ideas. The results, innovations, and feedback from research and innovation projects can benefit the European society peerReviewed
