

Expressing perception in parallel ways. Sentential Small Clauses in German and Romance

Jan Casalicchio


complementizer Small Clause verbs of perception Italian Romance German Left periphery ForceP secondary predicateSettore L-LIN/01 - Glottologia E Linguistica


This chapter compares Pseudo-relatives (‘PRs’), a construction found in most Romance languages, with ‘Subject-wieclauses’ (‘SWs’), a German construction in which the subject of an embedded wie-clause precedes the complementizer wie (‘how’; e.g. Ich sah Maria, wie sie sang, lit. “I saw Mary, how she sung”, i.e. ‘I saw Mary singing’). We show that both constructions mainly occur with perception verbs, and that they have a very similar syntactic behaviour; e.g., they can be coordinated with adjectival or prepositional small clauses and have anaphoric tense. Furthermore, they both have a clausal nature but can modify a DP. We thus propose to extend Casalicchio’s (2016) analysis of PRs to SWs: they are Small Clauses (i.e., they have a typical subject-predicate configuration but no temporal independence) and they project a ForceP that hosts both the subject of the SW and the complementizer wie.
