

Heritability of Intraocular Pressure in Older Female Twins

Taina RantanenAsko TolvanenPertti EraOlavi PärssinenMarkku KoskenvuoJaakko Kaprio


Intraocular pressuremedicine.medical_specialtygenetic structuresInheritance PatternsGlaucomaTonometry Ocular03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineSurveys and QuestionnairesOphthalmologyTwins DizygoticmedicineHumansAdditive genetic effectsRisk factorFinlandIntraocular PressureAged030304 developmental biology0303 health sciencesbusiness.industryTwins MonozygoticMiddle AgedHeritabilitymedicine.diseaseTwin studyeye diseasesConfidence interval3. Good healthOphthalmologyCross-Sectional Studies030221 ophthalmology & optometryPopulation studyFemalesense organsbusiness


Purpose To examine the heritability of intraocular pressure (IOP) among older women not diagnosed as having glaucoma. Design Cross-sectional twin study. Participants 94 monozygotic (MZ) and 96 dizygotic (DZ) female twin pairs aged 63–76 years and not diagnosed as having glaucoma. Methods Intraocular pressure was measured using a noncontact tonometer. The contributions of genetic and environmental factors to individual differences in IOP were estimated by applying an independent pathway model to twin data. Main Outcome Measures Contribution of genetic and environmental effects to the variation in IOP among MZ and DZ twins. Results Mean IOP of the study population was 14.1 mmHg (± standard deviation 3.1) with no differences observed neither between the MZ and the DZ individuals, nor between the left and the right eyes. The pair-wise correlations for IOP of the right eye were .61 in MZ and .25 in DZ and for the left eye .63 and .42. The phenotypic correlation between the left and the right eye IOP was high ( r = 0.81), suggesting that they were indices of a single trait. Quantitative genetic modeling revealed that for both eyes 64% (95% confidence interval [CI], 53–71) of the variance in IOP was explained by additive genetic effects and 18% (95% CI, 11–27) by nonshared environmental factors in common. In addition, 18% (95% CI, 15–23) of the variance in IOP was explained by nonshared environmental factors specific to each eye. Conclusions Additive genetic influences explained most of the individual differences in IOP among older women not diagnosed as having glaucoma. Because elevated IOP is an important risk factor for glaucoma, genetic factors underlying IOP may have a significant role in determining the risk for glaucoma, a complex progressive disease leading to death of ganglion cells.
