

Quantifying male attractiveness

Robert C. BrooksJohn M. McnamaraMiguel Marques Dos SantosAlasdair I. HoustonHanna Kokko


MalePopulationBiologyGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyEvolutionarily stable strategySexual Behavior AnimalGenetic modelAnimalsComputer SimulationSelection GeneticeducationGeneral Environmental Scienceeducation.field_of_studyModels GeneticGeneral Immunology and MicrobiologyInheritance (genetic algorithm)General MedicineBiological EvolutionPreferenceGenetic architecturePhenotypeMate choiceEvolutionary biologySexual selectionFemaleGeneral Agricultural and Biological SciencesResearch Article


Genetic models of sexual selection are concerned with a dynamic process in which female preference and male trait values coevolve. We present a rigorous method for characterizing evolutionary endpoints of this process in phenotypic terms. In our phenotypic characterization the mate-choice strategy of female population members determines how attractive females should find each male, and a population is evolutionarily stable if population members are actually behaving in this way. This provides a justification of phenotypic explanations of sexual selection and the insights into sexual selection that they provide. Furthermore, the phenotypic approach also has enormous advantages over a genetic approach when computing evolutionarily stable mate-choice strategies, especially when strategies are allowed to be complex time-dependent preference rules. For simplicity and clarity our analysis deals with haploid mate-choice genetics and a male trait that is inherited phenotypically, for example by vertical cultural transmission. The method is, however, easily extendible to other cases. An example illustrates that the sexy son phenomenon can occur when there is phenotypic inheritance of the male trait.
