

The new “Vegetation map of Sicily (Italy)”: a synthetic overview of the distribution of European habitats on the territory.

Lorenzo Antonio GianguzziF. PapiniD. Cusimano


vegetation maphabitat conservationSettore BIO/03 - Botanica Ambientale E ApplicataGISSicilyPhytosociology


The new "Vegetation map of Sicily (Italy)", recently published (Gianguzzi, Papini & Cusimano, 2015), shows also a synthetic overview of the distribution of European habitats in the territory; the study area has been extended to small islands circum-Sicilian (archipelago of the Aeolian; Aegadian, Pelagie Ustica and Pantelleria islands), for a total area of 25,703 km2. Our work allowed to resume the knowledge status of the phytosociological studies on vegetation carried out and to identify the actual plant landscape of the region; the map was compiled in a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment, in order to produce a cartographic representation in 1:10,000 scale (reduced to a 1:250,000 scale). At the reference scale 36 phytocoenotic types are represented, 16 of which related to European habitats of zonal vegetation (Mediterranean maquis, Quercus ilex woods, Quercus suber woods, Castanea sativa woods, Quercus pubescens deciduous woods, mesophilous deciduous woods, Fagus sylvatica woods, Betula aetnensis woods, woods dominated by woody gymnosperms, forest edge shrubs, orophilous pulvinate shrubs, shrublands and garrigues on substrates of carbonate nature and on substrates of siliceous nature, Ampelodesmos mauritanicus grasslands, mesophilous and sub-hygrophilous grasslands and pastures), 11 related to azonal vegetation (riparian vegetation, psammophilous herbaceous vegetation, chasmo-halophitic vegetation, etc.) and 9 related to anthropogenic vegetation (arable lands and extensive herbaceous crops, vineyards, olive groves and dry cultivation mosaics, hazelnut groves, irrigated citrus groves and orchards, greenhouses, built-up areas). Gianguzzi L., Papini F., Cusimano D., 2015 – Phytosociological survey vegetation map of Sicily (Mediterranean region). – Journal of Maps:1-7 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2015.1094969).
