

The Urban Landscape and the Real Estate Market. Structures and Fragments of the Axiological Tessitura in a Wide Urban Area of Palermo

G. NapoliS. GiuffridaA. Valenti


Cluster analysisUrban landscape Real estate market Data mining Cluster analysis Urban regenerationUrban regenerationSettore ICAR/22 - EstimoUrban landscapeData miningReal estate market


The proposed study deals with the urban landscape of Palermo and its possible representation from the perspective of the real estate market analysis. Real estate is one of the most significant types of capital asset and the wide range of its possible utilizations makes complex the interpretation of the market phenomena. The multi-layered reality of such a large city (represented through the sample of 500 properties) needs to be articulated into a significant set of sub-markets in order to outline the complexity and to map the distribution of homogeneous groups of properties within the whole city area. The comparison between quality and price within each cluster allows us to elicit the degree of consistency or complexity of each group, especially taking into account the location (spread/concentration) of the properties. The relationship between prices and landscape quality has been traced as well.
