Mitigating technostress is not easy, but it’s doable
Markus SaloHenri PirkkalainenCecil Eng Huang ChuaTiina Koskelainensubject
Internethenkinen hyvinvointitietokoneetpsyykkinen kuormittavuustieto- ja viestintätekniikkahyvinvointipsyykkiset vaikutuksetstressinhallintastressitietotekniikkakäyttöteknostressikeskittyminendescription
Although personal use of digital technologies is often characterised as fun and voluntary, technostress is anything but. Floods of push notifications and information from personal devices and the constant pressure to be available online can contribute to poor well-being, fatigue, and concentration problems. Markus Salo, Henri Pirkkalainen, Cecil Chua and Tiina Koskelainen explain how technostress develops over time and how users can mitigate it. nonPeerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-01-01 |