

Recensione a Alan H. Sommerstein, Andrew J. Bayliss: Oath and State in Ancient Greece. With contributions by Lynn A. Kozak and Isabelle C. Torrance. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter 2013 e Alan H. Sommerstein, Isabell C. Torrance: Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece. With contributions by Andrew J. Bayliss, Judith Fletcher, Kyriaki Konstantinidou and Lynn A. Kozak. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter 2014.

D. Bonanno


Settore L-ANT/02 - Storia GrecaRecensione Giuramento Grecia antica


Recensione ai volumi, Alan H. Sommerstein, Andrew J. Bayliss: Oath and State in Ancient Greece. With contributions by Lynn A. Kozak and Isabelle C. Torrance. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter 2013; Alan H. Sommerstein, Isabell C. Torrance: Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece. With contributions by Andrew J. Bayliss, Judith Fletcher, Kyriaki Konstantinidou and Lynn A. Kozak. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter 2014.
