

Juan David García Bacca: una invitación a la facilidad de la "transfinitud" y la "transubstanciación". La necesidad social del "Nos" y del método dialéctico de transustanciación

Xavier Gimeno Monfort




Lo primero por lo que deberíamos empezar a la hora de tratar el asunto y tema de la metafísica y la ontología en la obra de García Bacca es, sin duda alguna, aproximarnos a sus principales puntos de influencia con la firme intención de trazar un esquema comparativo y crítico. En este sentido, y acotando el espectro de influencia a la 2º y 3º etapa garcibacquiana, expondremos el peso y valor que tuvieron los presupuestos ontológicos y metafísicos de autores tales como: Dilthey, Ortega, Whitehead, Hegel y, en especial, Heidegger y Marx. Si bien es cierto que la influencia de Marx se hace patente y radicaliza a partir de 1960 –y de especial modo a partir de 1963-, nosotros únicamente señalaremos y apuntaremos, en esta primera parte del trabajo, algunos de los aspectos esenciales por lo que la metafísica de García Bacca empezó a virar hacia los fundamentos marxistas a partir de 1960. Responder a la cuestión sobre qué es la metafísica para García Bacca es posible, pero únicamente entendiendo y contemplando el grueso de sus principales trabajos a lo largo de más de 40 años de labor intelectual y docente. En esta primera parte de nuestro trabajo, centraremos nuestra atención en la 2º y 3º etapa garcibacquiana en las que el filósofo español desarrollará y asentará las bases de lo que, hacia el final de su vida y obra, se convertirá en una especie de proyecto por poner en práctica su metafísica transustanciadora y transfinitante. The first part of the thesis is entitled "DAVID GARCIA JUAN BACCA. THE BASES OF ITS PROPOSAL Dialectics of transubstantiation. ORTEGA AND WHITEHEAD, criticism Heidegger ". -centrado in the 2nd and 3rd stage of garcibaccquiano thought (1939-1960) - we try to explain with utmost clarity and rigor, the meaning of the categories of "transfinitud" and "transubstantiation" in origin and training. We tried to track the value and importance of the influence of Ortega and his vitalism ratio in the work of Garcia Bacca. We also attended the importance and influence of Whitehead in the Spanish-transfinitante dialectical philosopher development. But, without doubt, perhaps the highlight of this first part is the study through every one of the references that Garcia Bacca spent from 1940 until 1960 both existentialism and the work of Heidegger. During this past year, we have expanded and revised this first part in its explanatory notes, as well as the secondary literature. We thought we had fringes and check and correct issues and dedicated prudent to try to remedy any deficiencies that dented argumentative argumentative continuity between chapter and chapter time. Notably the review of the 5th chapter the figure of Heidegger and critical view of the Spanish philosopher. Following the review, it was decided to split a vast chapter-more than 100 pages long, in two chapters -5 and 6º-, in order to bring greater coherence and sustainability argumentative body of the thesis. Regarding the preceding chapters, he acted similarly, that is, try to include -due to the extension of the first volume of over 300 pages-almost a final conclusion after chapter to close the exhibition, and introduce it next to treated.      In our view, we believe that we have achieved a strong enough argument consistency in this first part, like to state clearly both the influences of different atores in the work of García Bacca and his own development and evolution of the dialectical proposal -transfinitante garcibaccquiana.      The second part of our work is titled: "The birth and development of Marxism GARCIBACCQUIANO: DE MACHADO Marx. The factual development of philosophical humanism POSITIVE PROJECT DAVID GARCIA JUAN BACCA ". -centrado in the 4th stage of garcibaccquiano thought (1960-1992). In this second part of the first-little-like extension over 300 pages long we have treated the matter up to date not addressed in depth by any scholar in the work of Garcia Bacca-, the meaning and value of heritage in Machado work of the Spanish philosopher. We also hypothesized that Garcia Bacca making the work of the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre's Being and Nothingness the term "We". We have tried to link the original sense of the garcibaccquiana category of "We", with machadianas ideas of "people" and the need to philosophize by and for the people. In the second half we tried to trace and expose the evolutionary sense of dialectics-transustanciadora proposal Garcia Bacca not only through the work of the Spanish poet; We have also tried to make sense of the garcibaccquiano Marxist transit flows to such guidance as is the case of dialectical materialism. Therefore, the second part focuses on two periods of the philosophical production of Spanish philosopher during his 4th and final stage of philosophical thought. (1960-1992).    In the first part of the second part of our work we treat years of Marxist gestation, in our view, it is focused on purely theoretical and academic training-criticism of dialectical materialism (1960-1980) aspects. In the second part of this second volume, we have focused on trying to seat the diffuse sense of a dialectical proposal transustanciadora trying to launch the factual exercise of dialectical materialism through a conjugation between advances in science and technology modern, and its own dialectical proposals. It makes sense, then, the fact of having worked early in the second volume, Machado inheritance because in it, the Spanish philosopher acquires reality and factuality ingredient claiming his own philosophical proposal.
