

Finnish diabetes‐related quality of life questionnaire for children and adolescents: Reliability and validity

Iina AlhoKati RantanenTiina LuukkaalaHanna VuorimaaAnu HeikkiläRaimo LappalainenRiitta Hannonen


validityAdolescentPsychometricstype 1 diabeteskyselytutkimusValiditylapset (ikäryhmät)elämänlaatu03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicinenuoretQuality of lifeSurveys and Questionnaires030225 pediatricsDiabetes MellitusHumansMedicine030212 general & internal medicineChildFinlandReliability (statistics)business.industrynuoruustyypin diabetesReproducibility of ResultsConstruct validityGeneral Medicinequestionnairespsykometriikkachildren and adolescentsquality of lifeConvergent validityvaliditeettiScale (social sciences)Pediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthQuality of LifeConstruct (philosophy)businessPsychosocialClinical psychology


Aim To study the psychometric properties, reliability, and validity of the FinDiab quality of life questionnaire (FDQL), a strength‐oriented quality of life (QOL) questionnaire for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Methods Participants were 215 youths with T1D (aged 10–17 years). They completed FDQL and comparison questionnaires (KINDL‐R and SDQ). Demographic and disease measures were collected from the participants’ medical records. The questionnaire’s psychometric properties were investigated. Construct validity was studied through principal component analysis using Promax rotation, reliability with alphas, and criterion and convergent validity with correlations between sum scale, subscales, demographic and disease factors, and comparison measures. Results FDQL demonstrated an adequate range of measurement and feasibility. The four‐factor solution was found to be optimal, resulting in the subscales of flexibility with diabetes, well‐being, social relations, and health behavior. The sum scale correlated significantly with glycemic control and the psychosocial and QOL comparison measures. Construct, criterion, and convergent validity of the subscales were also good. Children under 14 years of age reported better QOL than older adolescents. Conclusion FDQL is a practical QOL assessment method focusing on strengths. The questionnaire has good validity and reliability and is easy to use as a clinical tool. peerReviewed
