

Survival of ovarian cancer patients in Germany in the early 21st century: a period analysis by age, histology, laterality, and stage.

Bernd HolleczekSabine LuttmannTianhui ChenTianhui ChenKatharina EmrichAlexander KatalinicAdam GondosHermann BrennerLina JansenMartin Meyer


AdultCancer Researchmedicine.medical_specialtyAdolescentDatabases FactualEpidemiologyPopulationAge adjustmentYoung AdultGermanymedicineCarcinomaHumansYoung adulteducationAgedDemographyNeoplasm StagingGynecologyOvarian Neoplasmseducation.field_of_studyRelative survivalbusiness.industryNot Otherwise SpecifiedPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthAge FactorsCancerMiddle Agedmedicine.diseaseSurvival RateOncologyFemaleOvarian cancerbusiness


Population-based studies on ovarian cancer providing survival estimates by age, histology, laterality, and stage have been sparse. We aimed to derive the most up-to-date and detailed survival estimates for ovarian cancer patients in Germany. We used a pooled German national dataset including data from 11 cancer registries covering 33 million populations. A total of 21 651 patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1997-2006 were included. Period analysis was carried out to calculate the 5-year relative survival (RS) for the years 2002-2006. Trends in survival between 2002 and 2006 were examined using model-based period analysis. Age adjustment was performed using five age groups (15-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, and 75+ years). Overall, the age-adjusted 5-year RS in 2002-2006 was 41%. A strong age gradient was observed, with a decrease in the 5-year RS from 67% in the age group 15-49 years to 28% in the age group 70+ years. Furthermore, the prognosis varied markedly by histology, laterality, and stage, with the age-adjusted 5-year RS ranging from 25% (for carcinoma not otherwise specified) to 81% (for stromal cell carcinoma), reaching 46% for unilateral and 32% for bilateral carcinoma and reaching 82% for Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stages I and II, 36% for FIGO stage III, and 18% for FIGO stage IV. No improvement in survival could be observed for any of the subgroups in the period between 2002 and 2006. Our analyses suggest that an improvement in the 5-year RS for ovarian cancer may have stagnated in the early 21st century and underline the need for a more effective translation of therapeutic innovation into clinical practice.
