

Walter Benjamin, taiteen toinen tekniikka ja avantgarden kulttuuripolitiikka

Taneli ViitahuhtaAleksi Lohtaja


architecturemedia_common.quotation_subjectArt historyMeaning (non-linguistic)Benjamin Walterfilmsecond technique of artGermanPoliticsArchitecturemedia_commonkulttuuripolitiikkata5142ta6132Artarkkitehtuurielokuva (taiteet)language.human_languageBenjaminavantgardetaidepolitiikkata6131languageArtikkelittaideteoriatWalter


This article provides a fresh look into Walter Benjamin’s famous essay, “Artwork in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (1936). Following Benjamin scholar Esther Leslie, we claim that Benjamin’s lesser-known concept of “second technique” is integral for understanding both the meaning of essay as well as mapping the political and artistic aims of the 1920’s avant-garde movements in general. The article is structured around two cases of avant-garde, both of which are central already for Benjamin, but remain somewhat under-theorized in connection to Benjamin. These are the Soviet constructivist film and the idea of glass construction in Weimar-era German architecture.
 Keywords: Walter Benjamin, second technique of art, avantgarde, film, architecture
