

Towards the cyber security paradigm of ehealth: Resilience and design aspects

Rauno PirinenJyri Rajamäki


ta113e-healthcareEmerging technologiesbusiness.industrycyber securityComputer securitycomputer.software_genreAnticipation (artificial intelligence)Critical information infrastructureHealth careSystemic riskeHealthBusinessteleterveydenhuoltoResilience (network)kyberturvallisuuscomputerHealthcare system


Digital technologies have significantly changed the role of healthcare clients in seeking and receiving medical help, as well as brought up more cooperative policy issues in healthcare cross-border services. Citizens continue to take a more co-creative role in decisions about their own healthcare, and new technologies can enable and facilitate this emergent trend. In this study, healthcare services have been intended as a critical societal sector and therefore healthcare systems are focused on as critical infrastructures that ought to be protected from all types of fears, including cyber security threats and attacks. Despite continual progress in the systemic risk management of cyber domain, it is clear that anticipation and prevention of all possible types of attack and malfunction are not achievable for current or future cyber infrastructures. This study focuses on the investigation of a cyber security paradigm, adaptive systems and sense of resilience in a healthcare critical information infrastructure. peerReviewed
