

Test alla tubercolina: proposta di scheda di valutazione del rischio e di interpretazione standardizzata

V. Di GaetanoCorrao SalvatoreCaterina MamminaFrancesco VitaleS. ArnoneM. PlanoM. MazzarellaFabio TramutoN. Romano


standardizationrisk assessmentLatent tuberculosiSettore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E Applicata


Relevance of latent infection in the epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) is expected to increase in many developed countries. Indeed, many demographic, social and public health changes could contribute to the expansion of groups or communities at significantly higher risk than the general population for infection to Mycobacterium tuberculosis or progression from latent to active disease. Tuberculin skin testing (TB), the gold standard for diagnosis of M. tuberculosis infection, is imperfect and prone to false positive and negative results, unless strictly targeted and carefully standardized for reliable performance and interpretation. This paper proposes a pre-test risk assessment questionnaire and standardized criteria for evaluation of TB test according to international guidelines.
