

Tratamiento de la fractura subcapital de cadera mediante osteosintesis percutanea

J. Rodriguez VelaAntonio Herrera RodríguezJ. Martínez VillaVicente Canales CortésJ. López Marco




The consolidation in 214 subcapital fractures of the hip treated with osteosyntesis with three AO cancellous screws are reported. The patients' average age is 72'5 and the osteoporosis degree is obvious in 89% of the cases. In each fracture the Garden and Pawel's c1assification and Lamare's displacement are considered as well as the reduction (according to Garden's «acceptable reduction» criteria). The rates of complication are: infection (0'4%), loss of reduction (15'6%), non union (10'28%) and necrosis (16%). The statistic evaluation is carried out through the «ChiSquare» test. The factor of a poor prognostic are more likely to be found in eldery women, displaced fractures with verticalline of fracture, non acceptable reductions and faulty osteosyntesis. The X rays of avascular necrosis have a much greater tendency to affect young patients with displaced fractures and reduction in valgus. The authors come to the conclusion that a deficient reduction cannot be solved with an accurate osteosyntesis. The risk of a late segmental collapse due to a avascular neurosis is unpredictable, 4'2% of our patients required a second operation.
