

A Micro-Level Approach to the Analysis of the Displacement Effects of Regional Incentive Policy: The Case of Finland

Hannu Tervo


Micro levelIncentiveEconomyWelfare economicsEconomicsGeneral Social SciencesDisplacement (psychology)Regional policyGeneral Environmental Science


TERVO H. (1989) A micro-level approach to the analysis of the displacement effects of regional incentive policy: the case of Finland, Reg. Studies 23, 511–521. This paper analyses the impact of regional incentive policy from the point of view of efficiency. Contrary to usual practice, a micro-level approach is used. Four possibilities for displacement effects to arise are proposed: displacement may be either direct or indirect and simultaneously directed either at existing or ‘potential’ production. The empirical results concerning the situation of Finland suggest that regional policy has been more than a zero-sum game between the assisted and non-assisted areas during the period 1975–81. TERVO H. (1989) Une micro-analyse des effets de deplacement de la politique d'incitations a finalite regionale: cas d'etude de la Finlande, Reg. Studies 23, 511–521. Cet article analyse les effets de la politique d'incitations a finalite regionale du point de vue de l'efficience. A l'encontre de la pratique recue il s'ag...
