

Dataset of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in a Mediterranean coastal wetland

Timo IloVicente AndreuYolanda PicóJarkko AkkanenD. Sadutto


Mediterranean climateScience (General)Computer applications to medicine. Medical informaticsPPCPsR858-859.7WetlandIndústria farmacèuticaWastewaterEnvironmental impact of pharmaceuticals and personal care products03 medical and health sciencesSoilQ1-3900302 clinical medicineSòls ContaminacióEcosystemAigües residuals AnàlisiData Article030304 developmental biologyPollutant0303 health sciencesgeographyMultidisciplinarygeography.geographical_feature_categorySedimentWaterWastewaterEnvironmental chemistryEnvironmental scienceSewage treatmentSediment030217 neurology & neurosurgeryAlbufera natural park


The dataset provides information on Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) detected in the Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain), a typical Mediterranean coastal wetland. These PPCPs constitute an important group of organic pollutants highly representative of the human impact. The concentrations values measured in soil, sediment and water and the statistical relationship of contaminants between them and with the environmental parameters could help to understand their fate in different compartments. The data also reported the occurrence and removal efficiency (%) for each contaminant in ten wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), located in the surrounding area. This dataset could provide an idea on the effectiveness of WWTP treatments and the capacity of released PPCPs to affect the ecosystem. The extraction of analytes was based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) for water and solvent extraction followed by the previous SPE as clean-up for soil and sediment. Determination was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) with a triple-quadrupole. The present dataset was analyzed within the article entitled: “Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in a Mediterranean coastal wetland: Impact of anthropogenic and spatial factors and environmental risk assessment”[1].
