

Time spent on the smartphone does not relate to manual dexterity in young adults.

Patrik DridMilda TreigienėAntonio PalmaGioacchino LavancoLuca PetrignaSimona PajaujieneAntonino BiancoDiba ManiEwan Thomas


Neurophysiology and neuropsychologyMalemedicine.medical_specialtyanimal structuresmanual dexterityTime FactorsCognitive function Grooved pegboard test Manual dexterity Mobile phone PhoneNeurosciences. Biological psychiatry. NeuropsychiatryAudiologyphone03 medical and health sciencesCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceYoung Adult0302 clinical medicinemedicineHumansYoung adultcognitive functionmobile phoneQP351-495General Neurosciencegrooved pegboard test030229 sport sciencesTest (assessment)Motor SkillsCorrelation analysisFemaleSmartphonePsychology030217 neurology & neurosurgeryResearch ArticleRC321-571Grooved Pegboard Test


Abstract Background The Grooved Pegboard Test (GPT) is widely adopted to evaluate manual dexterity, it presents normative data but the test is influenced by different factors. The influence of time spent on smartphones has not been considered before, for this reason, the objective of this study was to evaluate if smartphone use influences the time to complete the GPT. A total of 38 (21 women; 17 men) young adults 20.7 (1.5) years participated in the study. The time spent on the smartphones during the last seven days was recorded through the device itself and the GPT performance was measured. A correlation analysis between the time spent on the smartphone and GPT was performed while the t-test was adopted to evaluate gender differences. Results No statistically significant differences were detected between men and women in the time to complete the GPT (p = 0.20) and in the time spent on the smartphone (p = 0.87). The GPT and the time spent using the smartphone were not correlated (r = 0.044, p = 0.78). Conclusion The time spent on the smartphone by young adults does not influence the time to complete the GPT, indicating that smartphone use does not influence measures of manual dexterity.
