

Traditional Enterprise Business Intelligence Software Compared to Software as a Service Business Intelligence

Marian Pompiliu Cristescu


Business ProcessesBusiness requirementsData WarehouseKnowledge managementlcsh:Computer engineering. Computer hardwarebusiness.industryBusiness ruleCloud Datalcsh:TK7885-7895Business modelBusiness Intelligence Solutionslcsh:Zlcsh:Bibliography. Library science. Information resourcesBusiness process managementProcessBusiness analyticsNew business developmentBusiness intelligenceBusiness casebusiness


IntroductionBusiness Intelligence is a broad field of study. The major thrust of business intelligence theory analyzes certain factors to make highquality decisions. These factors include customers, competitors, business partners, economic environment and internal operations. Business Intelligence has the power to change the way people work, so that enterprises can compete more effectively and efficiently.A successful business intelligence solutions and successful implementation holds the key to the technological innovations together with the people, processes and culture of an organization to achieve a competitive and profitable BI strategy.Business Intelligence (BI) is the process of acquiring operational data and the use of this data in order to make the best business decisions. BI software takes the information bulk of the operational data sources of an enterprise, integrates and analyzes them and presents timely verdicts in the form of reports, alerts and dashboards.These reports, alerts and dashboards provide a more accurate and actionable view of the situation of a company.The success of a BI solution is ultimately in how well it helps both business and technical users in an organization to meet their missioncritical objectives: meeting or exceeding the revenue figures, looking for ways to reduce costs across the organization and maximize profitability by identifying the most profitable customers, products, services or programs. In fact, a BI solution should be able to identify otherwise unknown situations.Within an organization a BI solution helps users meet the following critical business objectives: meeting or exceeding the revenue figures, maximizing profitability by identifying the most profitable programs, looking for ways to reduce costs across the organization, creating a 360-degree view directed to customers.A business intelligence solution allows business teams the correlation of data across the enterprise to understand and to synthesize comprehensive analysis of the results, trends and expected results in order to understand the implications of this insight on corporate goals. BI users have an understanding of what is happening and what future actions need to be taken.2.Business Intelligence SolutionsBusiness intelligence (BI) solutions have already proven their worth a lot of times in the past. The reason for their popularity can be explained by various new developments.Especially the following trends play a major role: on the one hand, the emergence of new valuable and relevant data sources, on the other hand, a new generation of BI visualization tools based on HTML5 and JavaScript, and finally the removal of many traditional ERP functionalities and the growth of new enterprise capabilities in the cloud.Here are a few questions that can be easily answered by BI:Sales and marketing issues:* Which customers does a company want to target group?* What caused the change in the pipeline?* Which are a company's most profitable campaigns per region?* What's the turnover after an announcement of a new product release?* What is the most profitable source of revenue and how has it changed over time?Operational Questions* Which vendors have the best provision of time and budget?* How much additional staff is needed per store during the holidays?* What order fulfillment process is highly inefficient?Financial Questions* What are the costs for new products?* What is the expected annual profit / loss on the basis of current marketing and sales activities predictions?* What are the forecasts compared to the annual plan?* What are the current trends in cash flow, accounts payable and accounts receivable, and how are they comparing to the plan?Business Performance Questions* What are the main risk factors affecting the company's ability to meet the annual profit goals? …
