

Model interpretation from the additive elements of the PWRSS in GLMMs

Mariangela SciandraGianfranco Lovison


Additive elementPenalized Weighted Residual Sum of Squares.Settore SECS-S/01 - StatisticaGLMM


Generalized Linear Mixed models(GLMMs)have rapidly become a widely used tool for modelling clustered and longitudinal data with non-Normal responses. Although a large amount of work has been done in the literature on likelihood-based inference on GLMMs,little seems to have been done on the decomposition of the total variability associated to the different components of a mixed model.In this work we try to generalize the idea of likelihood additive elements Whittaker,1984), proposed in the context of GLMs,to the case of GLMMs by using the Penalized Weighted Residual Sum of Squares(PWRSS). The proposal is illustrated by means of areal application.
