

Core (XUV/VUV) and boundary (UV/vis/IR) plasma spectroscopy in fusion devices

Ewa PawelecJet Contributors


FusionMaterials scienceTokamakGeneral Physics and AstronomyMagnetic confinement fusionPlasmaequipment and suppliesElectromagnetic radiationSpectral linelaw.inventionUltraviolet visible spectroscopyPhysics::Plasma PhysicslawExtreme ultravioletAtomic physics


This contribution describes the basic applications of passive optical emission spectroscopy in the visible and far-UV region of electromagnetic radiation to diagnostics of the magnetic confinement fusion plasma. To simplify and condense the broad topic it presents the most common ways of analyzing the spectra of atoms, ions and molecules in fusion plasma and disseminating results of those analysis to the non-spectroscopists. It provides the reasons for choosing some particular regions, elements and charge states to determine the impurity content and plasma-surface interactions in MCF (Magnetic Confinement Fusion) reactor. Examples used in the contribution are predominantly from measurements performed in JET tokamak, but the approach presented is generalized and not really device-dependent.
