

Per una dimensione slow della città diffusa

Valeria Scavone


Settore ICAR/21 - Urbanisticaslow mobility quality of life sprawl


The city which sprawls through a territory no longer has spacial boundaries; consequently the urban system leads to a noticeable and unavoidable increase in the need for mobility. This mobility has a “fondamental” role in urban sustainablity (these themes are present in many studies). The contemporary city is organized only for people who use cars and does not help people to move freely; Illich said that it’s only possible to have “productive social relationships” at cycling speed and we say that slow mobility can contribute to a better "quality of life in cities”. This paper will consider the role of this type of mobility in a particular case study: a sprawling city – characterized only by speed – typified by coastal landscape full of cultural resources but also of dense urbanization. It will consider if this landscape can become a landscape in which to linger, exploiting places through different roads, at different speeds, for different users.
