Constraints on Models for the Higgs Boson with Exotic Spin and Parity inVH→Vbb¯Final States
J. L. HolzbauerI. HowleyMark Richard James WilliamsL. S. VertogradovI. Ripp-baudotA. MeyerA. K.a. MacielJ. OrdunaS. DesaiPetr VokacG. SavageR. BernhardW. E. CooperM. EadsU. BasslerM. JaffréF. BadaudArnaud DuperrinV. SimakRegina DeminaY. T. TsaiY. IlchenkoT. ScanlonGuo-ming ChenAlexander KupcoS. KermicheSabine LammersJose Andres Garcia-gonzalezSuman Bala BeriV. HynekS. ChakrabartiV. M. PodstavkovP. RubinovR. IllingworthS. BhatiaPhilip BaringerK. HernerS. BanerjeeMitchell WayneH. SchellmanJ. M. KohliStefan GrünendahlM. BuehlerB. TuchmingJ. M. YuXiaowen LeiDon LincolnErich VarnesTodd AdamsM. VesterinenR. MadarV. BunichevK. A. JohnsI. KatsanosN. ParuaD. VilanovaRandy RuchtiR. Magaña-villalbaS. W. ChoGianluca PetrilloShabnam JabeenRaymond BrockA. DasP. SvoiskyHui LiR. BeuselinckM. FortnerA. ChandraPh GrisFrederic DeliotChristopher George TullyV. V. TokmeninH. A. NealK. YipJason Dhia MansourS. AtkinsM. MerkinG. C. BlazeyP. JiangR. YamadaJean-francois GrivazP. JonssonA. PalThomas HebbekerS. UvarovJ. M. HauptmanCecilia Elena GerberG. GintherG. GintherJ. K. LimB. S. AcharyaE. De La Cruz-bureloKonstantinos PetridisJianming QianR. Van KootenM. D. CorcoranL. HanM. C. CousinouS. CihangirFabrice CoudercAaron DominguezG. BernardiEmanuela BarberisPatrick SlatteryY. EnariEmily JohnsonB. QuinnC. SchwanenbergerAlice BeanJohn HobbsAndrew BrandtMarkus WobischW. M. Van LeeuwenElemer NagyG. GrenierG. GrenierA. P. HeinsonM. A. PleierM. R. AdamsCarsten HenselJ. ZennamoA. DubeyVolker BuescherG. SajotElizaveta ShabalinaN. ProkopenkoP. H. GarbinciusAshok KumarLiang LiS. ChoiLev DudkoD. MenezesM. BorysovaF. MiconiOleg BrandtJ. Martínez-ortegaBjoern PenningHorst SeveriniA. Sanchez-hernandezTerry Richard WyattZdenek HubacekUlrich HeintzD. LiMarco VerzocchiJ. P. AgnewHakjae LeeH. E. FiskFrank FilthautN. K. MondalD. BolineH. T. DiehlO. GogotaSuneel DuttRichard B. LiptonA. MelnitchoukKristian HarderQ. Z. LiL. Welty-riegerGraham WilsonM. HohlfeldV. E. BazterraA. PatwaA. AltonK. DevaughanAndreas Werner JungD. CuttsSteven W. ShawM. DiesburgA. Y. VerkheevM. CookeI. KiselevichA. JusteA. BoehnleinS. CaughronPedro G MercadanteArnulf QuadtM. P. SandersVladimir GavrilovAndrew AskewMarc BesanconAran Garcia-bellidoJ. OstaD. KarmanovMarcia BegalliShangfeng YangJ. KrausJ. EllisonPushpalatha C BhatK. SoustruznikT. G. ZhaoD. A. StoyanovaGordon WattsHarald FoxJ. ClutterW. YeS. FuessSudhir MalikIa IashviliBrajesh C ChoudharyY. N. KharzheevChristophe RoyonT. KurcaT. KurcaT. NunnemannMeenakshi NarainJean-arcady MeyerL. BagbyB. HoeneisenLee SawyerHang YinH. D. WahlH. GreenleeL. SuterPhillip GutierrezI. A. VasilyevVipin BhatnagarJ. WeichertP. NeustroevB. BaldinA. S. ItoM. H.l.s. WangEmilien ChaponE. E. BoosHeriberto Castilla-valdezR. D. SchambergerN. OsmanR. PartridgeJi ZhuP. LebrunP. LebrunK. M. ChanA. BrossM. M. MeijerD. EdmundsKenneth BloomV. L. MalyshevT. HeadAnthony RossAngelo De Souza SantosT. YasudaM. S. JeongAlexander GrohsjeanWade Cameron FisherZhenyu YeKamil AugstenG. D. AlexeevFlera RizatdinovaGavin Grant HeskethVictor Daniel ElviraYuri GershteinLev UvarovV. A. KuzminMaxim PerfilovA. JonckheereE. Camacho-pérezA. LobodenkoV. V. LipaevReinhard SchwienhorstDaria ZieminskaD. BrownL. BellantoniP. SkubicP. D. GrannisDmitri TsybychevR. L. MccarthyGregory R SnowJ. JoshiS. Söldner-remboldW. GengW. GengN. KhalatyanD. HedinV. M. AbazovV. SharyD. V. BandurinS. GrederIain Alexander BertramV. N. EvdokimovM. RominskyJ. T. LinnemannJ. P. NegretR. Luna-garciaMichael HildrethDarren PriceH. T. NguyenS. UzunyanAmnon HarelSung Keun ParkW. M. LeeGuennadi BorissovI. Heredia-de La CruzNeeti ParasharJ. HoganI. RazumovM. ZielinskiJ. HaysP. N. RatoffY. PetersMaksym TitovG. GolovanovD. DenisovRobert HiroskyJoseph HaleyY. W. LiuHal EvansThomas FerbelM. PrewittLars SonnenscheinThibault GuilleminG. GutierrezHongfang LiuA. JayasingheY. A. YatsunenkoCarlos AvilaD. SmirnovJ. SnowCecile DeterreS. J. De JongA. FauréNikos VarelasC. L. McgivernBing ZhouA. A. ShchukinMartin GrunewaldJ. LellouchX. B. BuMilos LokajicekFrank FiedlerE. KajfaszJ. F. BartlettRobert KehoeDarien WoodC. P. BuszelloYuehong XieS. BlessingP. F. DingScott SnyderG. AlkhazovR. JesikD. R. ClaesGavin DaviesR. Lopes De SaSergey BurdinS. P. DenisovL. FengA. V. PopovMichael MulhearnShih-chang LeeM. SavitskyiJ. WarcholY. ScheglovJan StarkB. C.k. CaseyMarvin JohnsonA. L. LyonA. V. KozelovLidija ZivkovicH. HegabV. PariharAvto KharchilavaT. HoangAlexander KhanovS. W. YounRuchika NayyarBrad AbbottPierre PetroffJ. SekaricMichael A. Strausssubject
PhysicsNuclear physicsParticle physics010308 nuclear & particles physics0103 physical sciencesHiggs bosonTevatronGeneral Physics and AstronomyParity (physics)Fermion010306 general physics01 natural sciencesProduction ratedescription
We present constraints on models containing non-standard-model values for the spin J and parity P of the Higgs boson H in up to 9.7 fb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. These are the first studies of Higgs boson J(P) with fermions in the final state. In the ZH -> llb (b) over bar, WH -> l nu b (b) over barb, and ZH -> nu nu b (b) over bar final states, we compare the standard model (SM) Higgs boson prediction, J(P) = 0(+), with two alternative hypotheses, J(P) = 0(-) and J(P) = 2(+). We use a likelihood ratio to quantify the degree to which our data are incompatible with non-SM J(P) predictions for a range of possible production rates. Assuming that the production rate in the signal models considered is equal to the SM prediction, we reject the J(P) = 0(-) and J(P) = 2(+) hypotheses at the 97.6% CL and at the 99.0% CL, respectively. The expected exclusion sensitivity for a J(P) = 0(-)(J(P) = 2(+)) state is at the 99.86% (99.94%) CL. Under the hypothesis that our data are the result of a combination of the SM-like Higgs boson and either a J(P) = 0(-) or a J(P) = 2(+) signal, we exclude a J(P) = 0(-) fraction above 0.80 and a JP = 2(+) fraction above 0.67 at the 95% CL. The expected exclusion covers J(P) = 0(-)(J(P) = 2(+)) fractions above 0.54 (0.47).
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2014-10-16 | Physical Review Letters |