

Quantum simulation of gauge potentials with cold atoms in optical lattices: a tunable platform for relativistic fermions and axions

Matteo Rizzi


PhysicsHamiltonian lattice gauge theoryLattice gauge theoryQuantum mechanicsLattice field theoryRelativistic dynamicsCavity quantum electrodynamicsQuantum simulatorGauge theoryGauge anomaly


We offer here a brief introduction to the idea of quantum simulations with cold atomic gases, with focus on the recent efforts towards artificial gauge potentials and fields. This is mainly intended as a sort of “pedestrian guide” for people not yet working in the field, but curious to get a first contact with it; longer and deeper reviews are addressed for deeper details. As a special case, we focus here on reviewing some own previous contributions about a flexible toolbox based on bichromatic optical lattices and Raman assisted tunnelling. Such a scheme would allow good control on the mass and kinetic terms of a lattice Hamiltonian in different effective dimensions. If realized with fermionic atoms, the low-energy sector effectively describes their relativistic dynamics in a variety of situations, among which 3D axion electrodynamics. We conclude with a short discussion of possible future directions.
