

Factorization and resummation for jet broadening

Guido BellThomas BecherMatthias Neubert


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsJet (fluid)Particle physicsLogarithm010308 nuclear & particles physicsElectron–positron annihilationFOS: Physical sciences01 natural sciencessymbols.namesakeHigh Energy Physics - PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)FactorizationQuantum electrodynamics0103 physical sciencesWeierstrass factorization theoremEffective field theorysymbolsAnomaly (physics)Resummation010306 general physics


Jet broadening is an event-shape variable probing the transverse momenta of particles inside jets. It has been measured precisely in e+e- annihilations and is used to extract the strong coupling constant. The factorization of the associated cross section at small values of the broadening is afflicted by a collinear anomaly. Based on an analysis of this anomaly, we present the first all-order expressions for jet-broadening distributions, which are free of large perturbative logarithms in the two-jet limit. Our formulae reproduce known results at next-to-leading logarithmic order but also extend to higher orders.
