

Gamma ray induced 11.8 mT ESR doublet in natural silica

Franco Mario GelardiRoberto BoscainoSimonpietro AgnelloMarco Cannas


PhotoluminescenceGrowth kineticsChemistryKineticsGamma rayAnalytical chemistryCondensed Matter Physicsγ irradiationElectronic Optical and Magnetic Materialslaw.inventionNuclear magnetic resonancelawMaterials ChemistryCeramics and Compositessense organsIrradiationElectron paramagnetic resonanceResonance line


Abstract We report electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements in natural and synthetic vitreous SiO2 samples irradiated by γ rays. An 11.8 mT doublet, asymmetrically centered on the resonance line of the E′ center, was detected only in natural samples. The intensity of this doublet as a function of γ exposure tends to saturate for doses as low as 0.2 Mrad and is not related to the growth kinetics of the E′ centers. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements on the same samples have shown that two emissions at 3.15 and 4.26 eV bleach with the same kinetics as does the 11.8 mT doublet on increasing the γ ray dose. We tentatively suggest the presence of a conversion mechanism, activated by γ irradiation, between the two centers responsible for these optical and magnetic features.
