

(Ri)costruire spazi di comunità. Progetto-azione nella città del mercato Ballarò a Palermo

Renzo Antonio Lecardane


Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaResilient communities Urban regeneration Participation Urban space Multidisciplinarity


The rediscovery of the cultural value of the project, the creation of new imaginaries in marginal places and the new aesthetics of temporality are some of the emerging issues in the city of crisis in Italy that are measured through processes of active involvement of inhabitants, associations and institutions. The contribution first proposes an analysis of the potential of public space through a research-action with a high social content in the urban fabric of the Ballarò market in Palermo. Subsequently, the research returns a multidisciplinary perspective on the interpretative models of public space to propose new imaginaries. Themes related to social inclusion, community participation processes have entered the domain of architectural heritage in recent decades and have modified both the theoretical principles and the operational approaches of architectural design. The concept of resilient community is a topic of great importance in Palermo, it overcomes the spatial dichotomy between center and periphery and shifts attention to the ability that individuals have to experience the management of collective goods, innovative activities and services through social protagonism . The desire to overcome these spatial categories favors that of the Beni comuni (Harvey, 2013), which opposes the commodification and privatization of spaces, to return to the demand for legitimacy expressed much earlier by Danilo Dolci in his Indagine su Palermo (Dolci, 1957).
