

Le prime trascrizioni del palinsesto di Gaio e il presunto «mistero» delle schede veronesi (BCapVr, Cod. DCCCIX)

Mario Varvaro


Verona Biblioteca Capitolare Cod. XVVerona Biblioteca Capitolare Cod. DCCCIXBerlin Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz Ms. lat. fol. 308.Gai Institutione


This paper addresses the question of the origin of the partial transcription of Gaius’ palimpsest still preserved in the Capitular Library of Verona (BCapVr, Cod. DCCCIX) and allows to solve the pretended «mystery» about its presence in this library. A comparison with the fair copy (Reinschrift) of the transcription belonging to the Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage (SBB-PK, Ms. lat. fol. 308, K. 1, Konv. 1) shows that the Cod. DCCCIX of the Capitular Library can not be regarded as a forgotten copy or a gift. Similarly, the idea that the manuscript was the first fair copy of the transcription works is not plausible. Anyway, a neglected information provided by one of the Prussian scholars who took part in the first deciphering of Gaius’ manuscript leads to the conclusion that the Cod. DCCCIX was a copy commissioned by Bartolomeo Guarienti, the librarian of the time.
