Beyond the Precautionary Principle
Maximiliano Emanuel Korstanjesubject
Precautionary principleTerrorismSociologyLaw and economicsdescription
This chapter centers on the discussion around terrorism. While some scholars emphasize on terrorism as a risk, others alert on the limitations of thinking terrorism within the field of risk. This does not mean that terrorism does not exist, it is a big problem for urbanized contexts, but it escapes to the control of laycitizens. Following Niklas Luhman's definition we exert a criticism on those who think terrorism as a risk. This piece interrogated on the epistemological border of terrorism as well as the interest of publics and audiences to consume the others` mourning as a form of entertainment. This trend was facilitated by the unification of risk and threat notions. As we have explained, terrorism as-a-risk forms an ideological discourse in order for the global elite to keep its privilege position but also to open the doors towards a new face of capitalism, we have dubbed Thana Capitalism. While people watch the others` suffering in order to confirm their status, it produces a vicious circle which is conducive to what Baudrillard dubbed as “the spectacle of disasters”.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2019-01-01 |