

Executive Functioning and ASD: A preliminary study of inhibition in a sample of students with ASD

María Inmaculada FernándezGemma Pastor CerezuelaRaúl Tárraga Mínguez




Inhibition is a component of the executive functioning that allows to control automated responses. However, people with ASD might present problems in the inhibitory control. Objectives. ¿Firstly,we present a synthetic review of the recent scientific literature about executive functioning ¿and particularly about inhibition- in ASD. Secondly, from a sample of 10 children diagnosed of ASD in thepast, we evaluate which of these children support nowadays the diagnosis and we measure empirically inhibitory control, by means of a Stroop task (an adapted version of the Counting Stroop). Method. - 10 students (5-8 years ols) took part in this study. Tests administered were: GARS-2, Raven colour, Peabody and a task of inhibition, a Stroop task, measuring up time of reaction and mistakes in two conditions: a troubled (or conflicting) condition and a non-troubled (or non-conflicting) condition. Three groups of students were conformed: ASD with language, ASD without language and a group of students that nowadays don¿t meet criteria for being diagnosed of ASD(noASD). Regarding the Stroop task, analyses of repeated measures showed differences both in the reaction time and mistakes, in the conditions and between the groups.
