

Symmetries in harmonic generation by a two-color field: an application to a simple model atom

Claudio LeoneRiccardo BurlonSaverio Bivona


PhysicsPhotonStatistical and Nonlinear PhysicsParity (physics)Atomic and Molecular Physics and Opticssymbols.namesakeQuantum mechanicsHarmonicsHomogeneous spaceAtomsymbolsHigh harmonic generationEmission spectrumHamiltonian (quantum mechanics)


We show that the parity of the order of the harmonics generated by a bichromatic field with commensurate frequencies may be related to the invariance properties of the time-dependent Hamiltonian with respect to some suitable transformations. To simplify the mathematical treatment, we have used a simple model atom to perform calculations that show the effects of the relative phase of the driving fields. Harmonic generation has been described as a two-step process that involves replicas of the Stark levels. In agreement with other previous treatments in which other model atoms were used, we have found that a small contamination of the fundamental harmonic can produce significant modifications of the emission spectra.
