Self-directed Learning in Distance Education
Sanna LaineIsmo HakalaMikko Myllymakisubject
etäopiskelueducationbibliographiesitseohjautuvuuskorkeakouluopiskelucomputer sciencekirjallisuuskatsauksetcomputer aided instructiondescription
This full research paper studies the significance of self-directed learning (SDL) in distance education. A literature review revealed many characteristics related to SDL that are important to success in distance education. The self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) levels of 124 students were gathered for this research, and the results were compared between contact and distance learners. The effect of gender on SDLR and the relationship between SDLR and preference for distance education were examined. There was no statistical difference in SDLR levels between women and men but indicators of self-directed learners’ preferences for distance learning were found. In addition, the SDLR scale scores between students’ degree levels were compared. The results support the notion that SDLR is related to maturity. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2022-10-08 | 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) |