

Theoretical review of emotional intelligence: models and measuring instruments

Jhony Jalier Mejia Diaz


emotional intelligence models of emotional intelligence measurement of emotional intelligence


Abstract This theoretical review of emotional intelligence (EI) starts from the earliest conceptualizations made by Galton, Binet, Stemberg Thurstone and Thordinke Gardner, who, during their historical period, were successful in laying the basis for the birth of emotional intelligence as a theoretical construction which was introduced for the first time, in scientific literature, in 90’s. Since then, different EI models have been developed and investigative contributions have been increased. In this article, the most representative EI models will be described with details, such as: 1) Mental ability model (Ability Based) developed by Mayer and Salovey 2) Model of emotional competences by Goleman 3) Model of emotional social intelligence of Bar-On. The measuring instruments of EI will be described, based on the models mentioned before, as well the most representative experimental researches of EI and, as a final observation of the author, some researches based on immigrants in Europe
