

Maestri e cantieri nella Sicilia interna tra XV e XVI secolo: le chiese Madri di Pietraperzia e Assoro

Rosario Nobile


Master builders aristocratic patrons Sicily 15th and 16th century history of construction mother church of Pietraperzia and AssoroSettore ICAR/18 - Storia Dell'Architettura


The essay focuses on two yards of the interior of Sicily between the end of the fifteenth century and the first half of the sixteenth century: the mother church of Pietraperzia and that of Assoro. New documentary investigations allowed to set out the master builders involved in the construction process and to deduce some construction methods in use for churches basilica. These data, together with the direct observation of the buildings have allowed to hypothesize, in both cases, the original configuration of the churches. The hypotheses were supported by a comparison with contemporary building, similar to typological characteristics, and a re-reading of the archival documents referring to them, revealing a series of plots that bind sites, master builders and aristocratic patrons.
